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Submission of Information by Religious Organisations and Charities

If you are required to furnish the following information to the Chief Secretary for Administration by law, you may send it by post to Room 2553, 25th Floor, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong. Alternatively, you may send the information by e-mail to This link will open in a new in accordance with the This link will open in a new windowformat, manner and procedure [PDF file] for making electronic submission to the Government as specified under Section 11(2) of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance.
Relevant Legislation Relevant Section Submission of Information
Basel Evangelical Missionary Society Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1002)
Section 6(1)
Evidence of appointment of President in Hong Kong
Catholic Mission of Macao Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1006)
Section 5(1)
Evidence of appointment of Vicar Capitular of the Diocese of Macao
China Peniel Missionary Society Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1011)
Section 6(1)
Evidence of appointment of President in Hong Kong
Church of England Trust Ordinance (Chapter 1014)
Section 4(1)
Changes in the constitution of the trustees
Daughters of Charity of the Canossian Institute Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1016)
Section 5(1)
Evidence of appointment of a Mother Superioress in Hong Kong
Dominican Missions Ordinance (Chapter 1018)
Section 2
Evidence of appointment of Procurator in Hong Kong
Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1019)
Section 5(1)
Evidence of appointment of an Administrator in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1025)
Section 3(1)
Evidence of appointments of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman
Irish Province of the Order of Franciscans Minor Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1028)
Section 5(1)
Evidence of appointment of a Procurator in Hong Kong
Jesuit Order (English Assistancy) Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1029)
Section 5(1)
Evidence of appointment of a Procurator in Hong Kong
Jesuit Order (Portuguese Province) Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1030)
Section 5(1)
Evidence of appointment of a Procurator in Hong Kong
Kowloon Tong Church of the Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1031)
Section 8(4)
Proof of succession, election or appointment of a new trustee
Kowloon Union Church Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1032)
Section 6(1)
Evidence of appointment of Trustees
London Missionary Society Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1033)
Section 2
Evidence of appointment of Senior Missionary of the Society in Hong Kong
Missions Etrangeres Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1036)
Section 2
Evidence of appointment of a Procurator General in Hong Kong
Petites Soeurs des Pauvres, St. Pern, Bretagne, Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1039)
Section 6(1)
Evidence of appointment of a Mother Superior in Hong Kong
Pontifical Foreign Missions Institute Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1041)
Section 5(1)
Evidence of appointment of a Procurator in Hong Kong
Salesian Society Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1043)
Section 5(1)
Evidence of appointment of a Procurator in Hong Kong
Sisters of the Precious Blood Order Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1045)
Section 4(1)
Evidence of appointment of the Superioress in Hong Kong
Soeurs de Saint Paul de Chartres Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1046)
Section 5(1)
Evidence of appointment of a Mother Superior in Hong Kong
Chater (Cathedral and St. Andrew’s) Endowment Funds Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1050)
Section 4
Evidence of appointment of Trustees
Union Church Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1052)
Section 14(4)
Evidence of election of trustees
Chinese Rhenish Church, Hong Kong Synod, Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1060)
Section 3(1)
Evidence of appointments of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman
Church of Christ in China, Wanchai Church, Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1063)
Section 6(2)
Evidence of appointments of Trustees
Pentecostal Holiness Church Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1064)
Section 6(2)
Application of allowing further period for furnishing evidence of appointment of Superintendent to the Registrar of Companies
Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1070)
Section 6(1)
Evidence of appointment of a Mother Provincial in Hong Kong
Tsimshatsui Baptist Church Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1073)
Section 10(4)
Proof of succession, election or appointment of a new trustee
Hoseinee Society of Hong Kong Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1074)
Section 6(2)
Application of allowing further period for furnishing evidence of appointment of committee to the Registrar of Companies
Brewin Trust Fund Ordinance (Chapter 1077)
Section 7(2)
Copy of standing orders made by the committee
Hong Kong Baptist Church Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1078)
Section 10(1)
Changes in membership of the trustees
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Incorporation Ordinance
(Chapter 1082)
Section 6(2)
Application of allowing further period for furnishing evidence of appointment of Mother Superior to the Registrar of Companies
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd of Angers at Hong Kong Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1084)
Section 6(1)
Evidence of appointment of a Mother Superior in Hong Kong
Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1090)
Section 6(1)
Evidence of appointment of a President in Hong Kong
Kowloon City Baptist Church Ordinance (Chapter 1093)
Section 10(4)
Proof of succession, election or appointment of a new trustee
Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Ordinance (Chapter 1101)
Section 7(2)
Copy of standing orders made by the committee
Abbot of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1107)
Section 6(1)
Evidence of appointment of Abbot in Hong Kong
Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Ordinance (Chapter 1110)
Section 8(2)
Copy of rules made by the committee