Director of
Mrs Millie NG
- Providing support to the Chief Secretary for Administration and the
Financial Secretary in monitoring progress in the development and
implementation of government policies and programmes
- Co-ordination of the Government's business with the Legislative Council
(LegCo) and liaison with LegCo
- Liaison with the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), the
Judiciary and the Office of The Ombudsman
- Policy matters on legal aid
- Government records management
- Protocol matters, honours and awards, and Justices of the Peace Scheme
Director of
Administration (1)
Mr Nicholas Chan
- Liaison with ICAC and the Office of The Ombudsman
- Government Records Service
- Justices of the Peace Scheme and related matters
- Resource management and departmental administration
- Honours and awards
Director of Administration (2)
Ms Eva Yam
- Co-ordination of LegCo business
- Liaison with LegCo and the Judiciary
- Policy matters on legal aid and free legal advice
- Housekeeping matters of the Legal Aid Department
- Mutual legal assistance in civil matters involving court procedures
- Protocol matters
Director of
Administration (1)
Ms Maggie Kwong
- Liaison with ICAC and the Office of The Ombudsman
- ICAC Complaints Committee
- Administrative Appeals Board/Municipal Services Appeals Board
- Justices of the Peace Scheme and related matters
Director of Administration (2)
- Legal aid policy and reviews
- Policy matters on free legal advice and assistance
- Housekeeping matters of the Legal Aid Department
- Subvention of the Legal Aid Services Council and the Duty Lawyer Service
Director of Administration (3)
Mr Steve Tse
- Co-ordination of LegCo business
- Co-ordination of the Government's legislative programme
- Liaison with LegCo
- Liaison with the Judiciary
- Mutual legal assistance in civil matters involving court procedures
of Protocol
Mr Harry Tsang
- Consular Corps related matters
- Monitor Government VIP Lounge service at the Hong Kong International
- Extending courtesies to visiting national leaders and international
dignitaries, planning and co-ordination of their official visits to Hong
- Ceremonial and protocol matters
- Policy matters on flags and emblems
Government Records Service Director
Mr Joseph Siu
- Administration of the Government Records Service
- Formulation and implementation of government records management policies
and programmes
- Further development of electronic records management in the Government
- Provision of records management services to government bureaux and
- Identification and preservation of and access to records of archival
Executive Officer
Ms Vivian Lee
- Common services of the Government Secretariat
- Management of the Central Government Offices
- Resource management, personnel and finance
- General Regulations, General Circulars and Civil & Miscellaneous