General Information
The Disaster Relief Fund was established on 1 December 1993 following the introduction of a resolution under section 29 of the Public Finance Ordinance into the Legislative Council. It is to provide a ready mechanism for Hong Kong to respond swiftly to international appeals for humanitarian aid in relief of disasters that occur outside Hong Kong.
(Appointed by the Chief Executive)
- Chief Secretary for Administration (ex-officio)
- Dr the Honourable KO Wing-man, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Gary CHAN Hak-kan, SBS, JP
- The Honourable LAM So-wai
- The Honourable Edmund WONG Chun-sek
- Professor Emily CHAN Ying-yang, M.H.
- Mr. Brian David LI Man-bun, BBS, JP
- Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury or representative (ex-officio)
- Secretary for Labour and Welfare or representative (ex-officio)
- Chief Executive Officer (Administration)1
Terms of Reference
- To advise on the policy and practices regarding the disbursements from the Disaster Relief Fund for disaster relief outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
- To advise on the award of grants of specified amounts from the Disaster Relief Fund to specified recipients.
- To monitor the use of grants by the recipients of the disbursements from the Disaster Relief Fund.
Mechanisms for Funding Applications
(1) Conventional Mechanism for Funding Applications
Applicant organisation should complete the application form and submit to the
Secretariat of the Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee. Please refer to the
This link will open in a new windowGuide to Grant
Application for details.
The target application processing time is within 12 working days from the date of receipt of full information from the applicant organisation to the date of notification of the result.
(2) Fast-track Mechanism for Funding Applications (Applicable to eligible relief organisations only)
Eligible relief organisations may apply for a limited amount of grant through the
Fast-track Mechanism for Funding Applications to kick start their work of
providing immediate emergency relief at the initial stage upon the onset of a
disaster. Please refer to the This link will open in a new windowGuidance Notes for eligibility and details.
(3) Frequently Asked Questions
Read the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers about Disaster
Relief Fund Grant Application.
This link will open in a new window
Disaster Relief Fund Grant Application FAQs
Secretariat of the Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee
Room 2561,
Central Government Offices
2 Tim Mei Avenue
Hong Kong
Photo Gallery (Year 2022-23)
General Information
The Disaster Relief Fund was established on 1 December 1993 following the introduction of a resolution under section 29 of the Public Finance Ordinance into the Legislative Council. It is to provide a ready mechanism for Hong Kong to respond swiftly to international appeals for humanitarian aid in relief of disasters that occur outside Hong Kong.
(Appointed by the Chief Executive)
- Chief Secretary for Administration (ex-officio)
- Dr the Honourable KO Wing-man, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Gary CHAN Hak-kan, SBS, JP
- The Honourable LAM So-wai
- The Honourable Edmund WONG Chun-sek
- Professor Emily CHAN Ying-yang, M.H.
- Mr. Brian David LI Man-bun, BBS, JP
- Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury or representative (ex-officio)
- Secretary for Labour and Welfare or representative (ex-officio)
- Chief Executive Officer (Administration)1
Terms of Reference
- To advise on the policy and practices regarding the disbursements from the Disaster Relief Fund for disaster relief outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
- To advise on the award of grants of specified amounts from the Disaster Relief Fund to specified recipients.
- To monitor the use of grants by the recipients of the disbursements from the Disaster Relief Fund.
Mechanisms for Funding Applications
(1) Conventional Mechanism for Funding Applications
Applicant organisation should complete the application form and submit to the
Secretariat of the Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee. Please refer to the
This link will open in a new windowGuide to Grant
Application for details.
The target application processing time is within 12 working days from the date of receipt of full information from the applicant organisation to the date of notification of the result.
(2) Fast-track Mechanism for Funding Applications (Applicable to eligible relief organisations only)
Eligible relief organisations may apply for a limited amount of grant through the
Fast-track Mechanism for Funding Applications to kick start their work of
providing immediate emergency relief at the initial stage upon the onset of a
disaster. Please refer to the This link will open in a new windowGuidance Notes for eligibility and details.
(3) Frequently Asked Questions
Read the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers about Disaster
Relief Fund Grant Application.
This link will open in a new window
Disaster Relief Fund Grant Application FAQs
Photo Gallery (Year 2022-23)
Secretariat of the Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee
Room 2561,
Central Government Offices
2 Tim Mei Avenue
Hong Kong