You are welcome to send us any enquiries, suggestions or complaints in respect of our services through the following channels-
Administration Wing
Room 2551, 25/F
Central Government Offices
2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong
For complaints, please provide your name and correspondence details to facilitate our follow-up action. An interim reply will be given within 10 calendar days. In case a substantive reply cannot be made within 30 calendar days, we will update you on the progress.
If you think that your complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily and you wish to appeal against the outcome, please write to Principal Executive Officer (Administration) through the following channels, providing the reference and issue date of the substantive reply of your case to facilitate our follow-up action-
Administration Wing
25/F, Central Government Offices
2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong
Accessibility Issues
Should you have any enquiries or comments on the accessibility of premises, facilities and services of Administration Wing, please contact our Access Co-ordinator, Deputy Access Co-ordinator and Access Officers as follows-
Access Co-ordinator
Deputy Access Co-ordinator
Access Officers
Central Government Offices
2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong
Government Records Service
Hong Kong Public Records Building
13 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong
Tuen Mun Records Centre
Tuen Mun Government Storage
Centre, 1 San Yick Lane, Tuen Mun, New
YKK Records Centre
17/F & 18/F, YKK Building Phase II, 2 San Lik Street, Tuen Mun, New Territories
15/F, YKK Building Phase III, 7 San Ping Circuit, Tuen Mun, New Territories