Chief Secretary for Administration's (CS) Private Office
- Speeches
- Apothegms and messages
Official functions
- Hosted by CS
- Attended by CS
Official visits
- Local
- Overseas
Financial Secretary's (FS) Private Office
- Speeches
- Apothegms and messages
Official functions
- Hosted by FS
- Attended by FS
Official visits
- Local
- Overseas
Administration Wing
- Administrative Appeals Board / Municipal Services Appeals Board
- Co-ordination of Legislative Council (LegCo) business
- LegCo Rules of Procedures
- Matters related to LegCo meetings
- LegCo Rules of Procedures
- Independent Commission Against Corruption Complaints Committee
- Annual Reports
- Membership
- Terms of Reference
- Press Releases
- Annual Reports
- Justices of the Peace (JPs)
- JPs Lists
- Annual Report on JP Visits
- JPs Lists
- Liaison with Independent Commission Against Corruption and Office of The
- The Government Minutes in response to The Annual Report of the Ombudsman
- Review of Remuneration of the Top Three Tiers of Staff in the Office of The Ombudsman
- Liaison on judicial affairs and legal matters
- Consular Corps
- Consulates-General, Honorary Consulates and Officially Recognised Bodies in Hong
- Bilateral Consular agreements/conventions
- Consulates-General, Honorary Consulates and Officially Recognised Bodies in Hong
- Flags and emblems
- Brief introduction to flags, emblems and anthem
- Specifications/Sizes/Designs of the national flag, regional flag, national
emblem and regional emblem
- Display of the flags and emblems
- Guidelines on the use of the designs of the national flag, national emblem, regional flag and regional emblem
- Prohibition on certain uses of the flags and emblems
- Brief introduction to flags, emblems and anthem
- Honours and awards
- Types of honours and awards
- Nominations for honours and awards
- Honours list
- Types of honours and awards
- Precedence List
- The Precedence List of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
- Visits
- Visits by overseas dignitaries
- Visits by Mainland dignitaries
- Visits by overseas dignitaries
- Building management of the Central Government Offices
- Building management and maintenance
- Communal conference facilities
- Provision of pool transport and receipt and despatch service
- Building management and maintenance
- Civil and Miscellaneous Lists
- Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee
- Membership
- Terms of reference
- Guidelines for grants from the Disaster Relief Fund and monitoring measures
- Mechanisms for funding applications
- Reports and press releases
- Membership
- Financial management
- Fees and charges
- Estimates of revenue
- Estimates of expenditure
- Stores and equipment
- Fees and charges
- Government records management
- Archives administration and reference services
- Archives preservation and conservation
- Microfilming services
- Electronic records management
- Records management advisory and training services
- Records management guidelines/manuals
- Archives administration and reference services
- Government telephone directories
- Human resources management
- Organisation and establishment
- Recruitment and appointment
- Staff training
- Staff welfare and related matter
- Organisation and establishment